Dr James Bonner
Post doctoral researcher and freelance writer
Mobility, place and cycling
Thinking, exploring and writing about the ways we relate to and manage space, place, movement in society- and how these relate to wider social and ecological issues- has been a big part of the 'work' and 'play' of my life for many years. The following projects, publications and other outputs are some that I have been involved in over the past decade, often with a specific focus on active forms of mobility such as walking and cycling.

Briefing reports, policy articles, blogs
Local Government Information Unit (LGiU):
2022: An active outdoor life: how do the Nordic nations maintain their outdoor lifestyle all year?
2021: Spaces for People – speaking personally on the art of the possible
2020: Spaces for People – a personal reflection from Glasgow
2018: You Take the High Road and I’ll Take my Bike –
the need to reimagine new routes for sustainable tourism
2017: Making the most of places – a shift towards sustainable tourism
2016: Moving Forward with Active Travel in Scotland
Welcome to Fife:
Cycling tour of the Heartlands of Fife
Tiso- Outdoor and adventure activities retailer:
Assynt: Experiencing wilderness on two wheels
Get out of Glasgow! 4 cycle routes to inspire you
Previous work and other projects
2010/11: Involvement in a project management and research capacity of EU FP7 Research project Carbon Aware Travel CHoices (CATCH), which aimed to reduce the carbon impact of urban transport.
2011 onwards: Voluntary ranger with UK cycling charity Sustrans, contributing to the upkeep and maintenance of a section of the National Cycle Network.
2007: Marketing and public information provision role with the Glasgow bus division of public transport operator First Group.