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Dr James Bonner
Post doctoral researcher and freelance writer
A trip along the Clyde: Glasgow to David Livingstone Birthplace, Blantyre
On this wee trip I cycled from the Glasgow Green in central Glasgow, along the River Clyde following National Cycle Network Route 75, to the David Livingstone Birthplace Museum in the town of Blantyre. In a journey of around 20 kilometres each way, the route is initially traffic free, before then requiring some on road cycling [expand on description].
Below is a route map of my journey and some photographs I took along the way in the form of a collage. This is the first trip I have undertaken in which I experiment taking recording some vlogs- or video blogs- along the way. It's a medium I intend to use more of...

During my journey to Blantyre I took time to observe and pay attention to some of the accessibility on the route to some notable places of interest along the way- in particular Cuningar Loop woodland park, Bothwell Castle, and the town of Uddingston. I think about these practically in terms of the design of paths, surfaces, and signage- but also consider how the design, and current state of the route, encourages (or discourages) users to access it, and such destinations that are nearby.
In this short vlog, I pause and talk a bit about accessibility from the main cycle route to the Cuningar Loop, a Forestry and Land Scotland project that has developed a woodland park in a meander of the River Clyde, about 5 kilometres from the city centre. With walking and cycling paths, picnic areas, adventure play parks, climbing facilities and more it is an exciting area to visit. However, does it fall down on accessibility from the exiting cycle network? Is this an example of ways we neglect to think through the interconnection and continuity of cycling, walking and wheeling provision in our city? How could this be better and more inclusive?...
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